Local Students To Compete For Title Of Herkimer County Regional Champions
- Posted By: Jason Carnegie
- Category Featured, General

Watch the coverage here: News Channel 2 or visit the https://www.facebook.com/HerkimerCountyPreventionCouncil/posts/735528425331736 to see who won!
The Herkimer County Prevention Council of Catholic Charities will be sponsoring the annual Drug Quiz Show at Herkimer County Community College from 8:30-2:30. The seven Herkimer County middle schools that will compete for the title of “Regional Champions” are Central Valley, Frankfort, Herkimer, Little Falls, Mount Markham, Poland, and Town of Webb.
The Drug Quiz Show strives to heighten school, home and community substance abuse awareness by providing middle school students with the opportunity to have fun while gaining the knowledge, skills, and self-confidence needed to make safe and healthy, real-life choices regarding the use of tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs. The participating schools registered and received their materials from the Prevention Council to begin studying and to form their teams this past fall.
Accompanied by their school advisor(s), they will compete against each other in four games each, in a game show format. The team with the highest cumulative score will be named “2024 Herkimer County Drug Quiz Show Champions.”
The Drug Quiz Show is sponsored by the Herkimer County Prevention Council, a program of Catholic Charities. All the volunteers who make the game show possible are from programs of Catholic Charities of Herkimer County, Herkimer County local law enforcement and other community agencies. All teams that participate receive prizes that are generously and faithfully donated by our local businesses every year. They are: Herkimer County Deputy Sheriff’s Association, Adonis-Avanti Limousine, Franco’s Pizza, Stewart’s Shop, Herkimer College, McDonalds, Frankfort Kiwanis, State Farm - Scott Grates, Vista Lanes, Mohawk Valley Prevention Recovery Collaborative, Strand Theater, Pepsi Co., and Bassett Healthcare.