Additional Programs & Ministries
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Albany oversees several additional programs and diocesan-wide ministries and initiatives. Diocesan liaisons for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development and Catholic Relief Services are housed within Catholic Charities. Information about specialty programs such as Immigration Legal Assistance and Disaster Response and Recovery are below.
Immigration Legal Services
Contact: Paula Read, Immigration Counselor/BIA Accredited Representative
Immigration Attorney: David W. Meyers, Esq.
Provides immigration-related legal services for low-income clients. Services include consultation, counseling, and preparation of petitions and applications for, among other benefits, lawful permanent residency and U.S. citizenship. Assists individuals who are victims of human trafficking.
Jail Ministry
Contact: Michelle Thivierge
This program provides ministerial and pastoral services for individuals incarcerated in county jails throughout the Diocese. The following services are available: sacramental ministry, including Mass, communion services and Reconciliation; pastoral visits in the housing units; counseling, and religious materials such as Bibles, rosary cards and reading materials.
Catholic Campaign for Human Development
Contact: Michelle Thivierge
CCHD is the domestic anti-poverty, social justice program of the U.S. Catholic Bishops. The mission is to address the root causes of poverty, to educate Catholics and to work to change the systems that oppress the poor. It is the local contact on funding opportunities for community organizing and economic grants.
Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
Contact: Michelle Thivierge
CRS is the overseas aid program of the U.S. Catholic Bishops using Catholic Social teachings to guide Catholics to form bonds of global solidarity by means of education, direct action, advocacy, partnerships and service. CRS disseminates information on emergency response, agriculture, education, healthcare, HIV/AIDS, micro-finance and small enterprise, and peace building.
Commission on Peace and Justice
Phone: (518) 453-6695
Director: Deacon Walter Ayres
The Commission assists Catholics and the wider community to understand and respond to God's call to human solidarity as found in Scripture, the witness and teaching of Jesus, and the social doctrine of the Church. This heritage addresses economic and social justice, stewardship of the earth's resources, human rights, and the nonviolent resolution of conflicts.
- Overview
- Geographic Agencies
- Service Specific Agencies
- Additional Programs & Ministries