Columbia County
PH (518) 828-8660 | FX (518) 828-4016
431 East Allen St., Hudson, NY 12534

Columbia County Chronic Disease Management & HIV Help

Chronic Disease Management & HIV Help

    431 East Allen St., Hudson, NY 12534
    Phone: 518-828-9668 ext 116 |

    Provides supports and services to meet the needs of those living with or at risk for HIV/AIDS and other chronic medical conditions and their loved ones, regardless of orientation, lifestyle or belief. This is accomplished by service and programs including: health home care coordination, intensive and supportive case management; linguistic services (medical interpretation for those with limited English proficiency); housing support services; personal care closet; and emergency financial assistance. The agency functions in a consultative manner for the entire Catholic Charities system and the Diocese in matters related to HIV/AIDS.