Albany County Expecting Parents & Infants

27 North Main Ave., Albany, NY 12203Phone: 518-482-8836 | Fax: 518-482-5805 |
CMS provides community-based and residential programs which enhance the dignity, quality and sanctity of human life through individualized social services and community education programs. Offers a continuum of care for pregnant adolescents and young parents including case management, goal-directed counseling, childbirth education, parent education, support and advocacy. Foster care residential programs, prevention/supports for families at risk, adoption, kinship and respite services.
Capital Region Outreach Services
Case planning, home-based parent education and clinical services provided for Albany County residents referred through the County for Prevention Services. Parent Education Group for parents with mental health diagnosis.Farano Center for Children
Provides congregate care services for children ranging in age from birth to 18. Services include: assessment and evaluations, respite services, placement for children with developmental, psychiatric or severe behavioral problems, health care coordination, social work services, behavior modification and case management and other related treatment services.Adoption Services
Screening, education and certification of foster parents residing within the 14 counties of the Diocese. Supervision, case planning and permanency services for children placed in CMS certified homes. Adoptive families are screened and approved for the adoption of domestic, healthy infant adoption; adoption of waiting children or children with special physical or emotional needs; homestudy, post placement and US finalization for internationally born children.Heery Center for Young Families
Provides trauma-informed residential services for pregnant and parenting adolescents between the ages of 12 and 21, who have been placed in the care and custody of their county as a result of parental abuse/neglect, PINS/JD behaviors or other circumstances that have placed them and their children at risk of harm. The goal of this program is to provide a wide range of services to promote safety, education and stability.Supervised Independent Living Program (SILP)
Provides a resource for young women who have developed self-sufficiency skills and are ready to transition to a less restrictive environment. The program provides adult supervision, feedback and guidance as the youth transition to an agency operated apartment in the community. This enables the young woman to continue her education, acquire employment or attend job skills training in a supportive and therapeutic setting. Such support includes: case management, financial assistance, childcare services, advocacy, social work support. -
88 Fourth Ave, Albany , NYPhone: 518-281-8771
WIC Outreach Program – This program targets residents of Albany and Schenectady Counties who may be eligible for WIC Benefits. The WIC Help Specialist works with potential participants to identify and address any barriers to WIC enrollment and participation, and coordinates with WIC offices to assist with smooth WIC Program enrollment. Outreach is designed to meet the target population of prenatal women and parents of infants and children up to age five.
WIC Help Specialist: Vanessa Gee
Serving Albany & Schenectady Counties: 88 Fourth Ave, Albany, NY 12202
Phone: 518-281-8771