Albany County Shelter & Low Income Housing

43 North Main Ave., Albany, NY 12203Phone: 518-459-0183 | Fax: 518-435-1327 |
Provides emergency and low-cost housing and supportive services for individuals and families struggling with homelessness. The Catholic Charities Housing Office is committed to providing equal housing opportunities.
Emergency shelters for homeless men and women; offer meals and a safe, confidential environment that helps individuals make a transition to permanent housing. Also offers transitional housing for women recovering from mental illness to give them additional time to stabilize and find permanent housing. Victims of human trafficking and refugees resettled in the U.S. are assisted with case management, emergency housing, clothing, food, access to emergency medical treatment legal assistance and transportation.For individuals seeking emergency shelter information, please see the Albany County Department of Social Services office or contact the Homeless and Traveler's Aid Society at (518) 463-2124.
If you are in need of low-income housing in Albany County, please contact the Housing office at 518-459-0183 to begin the intake process
Family Apartment Program
Contact: Catholic Charities Housing Office
43 North Main Ave. Albany, NY 12203
Phone: 518-459-0183
Fax: 518-435-1327
Over 20 scattered-site apartments offering permanent, low-cost housing, assessment of needs, information and referral for services, and case management for homeless families. Equal Housing Opportunities.Single Room Occupancy (SROs) Residences
SRO (Single Room Occupancy) residences offer permanent housing for persons who are homeless and in need of low-cost housing with supportive services. Services include case management, meal programs and information and referral. Open to both men and women.SRO LOCATIONS
DePaul Residence
504 Central Ave.
Albany NY 12206
Phone: 518-482-3248
Fax: 518-482-0826
Contact: Shyron SanfordDePaul Residence Too
35 North Main Ave.
Albany, NY 12203
Phone: 518-482-3248
Fax: 518-482-0826
Contact: Shyron SanfordWaldorf Residence
29 Maiden La.
Albany, NY 12207
Phone: 518-465-2612
Fax: 518-465-2614
Contact: Don Arnold