Otsego County Substance Abuse Prevention

Catholic Charities offers offender based services as a more beneficial alternative to incarceration for individuals arrested and convicted of certain crimes. These programs are aimed to assist individuals in achieving positive personal goals, reduce recidivism and eliminate poverty through case management, advocacy, education and referrals. Participants’ engagement in our programs provides an opportunity for them to make restitution to the community, and to themselves. Offender based services include: Adult Treatment Court Case Management, Alternatives to Incarceration and Victim Impact Panels.
Victim Impact Panel
A national program meeting court ordered requirements for people who have committed crimes involving driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Along with providing important information relating to the effects of drug and alcohol consumption, participants who attend a Victim Impact Panel will hear the stories of real victims of drunk driving: people who have been directly affected by a drunk driving accident.
Victim Impact Panel presentations can also be offered to local schools or other special groups.